Exhibition calendar

Paste weekend

After three successful editions in 2019, 2021 and 2022, we are organizing another sticky weekend in 2023!

What: Paste Weekend 2023
When: 6 to 8 October 2023
Where: Hotel de Vossenberg
Place: Four-timers

We expected to have more information about the 4th edition in mid-May. Are you sure you want to come? Send an email to info@studioinsenouts.nl and be the first to know about further information. Like every year there are limited places available so FULL = FULL

Create Then 2023

At the end of this year we will be at the KreaDoe fair in Utrecht again!

When: 1 to 5 November 2023

Stand number: not yet known

What do we take with us?

Scrapbooks, paper packs, sticker sheets, quote cards, punches and photo printers from Canon


Every day we will give workshops. During our workshop you will become acquainted with the scrap and scrapbook products from Studio Ins & Outs. We take a photo at the stand which we print for you. You start with this on a blank sheet of paper. Use our cool paper, the stickers and accessories such as figure punches. This workshop takes 45 minutes.