We all know it: the intention to keep a paste, fill in or scrapbook is there. But in the hustle and bustle of the day, making time comes into play. In this blog I share my tips so that you might be able to get started structurally with your most beautiful photos and memories.

Tip 1: Save your photos in folders
Sorting out your photos is often a time-consuming job. We click away and every step, laugh or cute action is captured. And what about all those selfies that are taken during a day out or party? By immediately placing your photos in folders, you ensure that if you want to get started with the book, you do not have to spend a lot of time choosing the photos you want to use.
Tip 2: Create a place in the house
By making a place in the house where you can leave your belongings, you ensure that you do not spend time preparing and cleaning up your belongings. It doesn't have to be a big place! Think of a landing, office or in the bedroom. Nothing is so nice to be able to leave your creative excesses behind!
Tip 3: Start with a small project
Sometimes we want too much and then the threshold to start is too high. Like: I'm 2 months behind in my Yearbook and I want to update that in one go. Why? Lower that threshold by agreeing with yourself that you will make the first two weeks of the first month that you miss. That can be done in an evening!
Tip 4: Working together
The best stick behind the door is to get started with a friend. Agree on one evening a month. Not only fun to catch up, but by working together you are also productive.

Tip 5: Join the Facebook Community
In the Facebook Community, inspiration is shared every day. And that's contagious! And of course we are all curious about your pages. So be sure to become a member for that necessary inspiration and motivation.